Articles on: General

Does Rockstar Bingo host games?

Great question! Nope, we here at Rockstar Bingo are committed to EMPOWERING GREAT HOSTS to put on their own games and encourage game play. So, if you have questions about a game, prizes, locations, events, dates, etc., be sure to hit up your host and ask them those questions - they are driving that bus!

We (at Rockstar Antics) built the platform and and we are solely focused on ensuring games are easy to join and play! If you want to learn more about being a host, be sure to check out our YouTube Channel and visit our Rockstar Bingo Hosts Facebook group where you can collaborate with and learn from other hosts!

As for hosting/playback of music, that is solely the responsibility of the host and their chosen (and licensed, of course) platform.

Updated on: 20/09/2021

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